GAEBA’s new Global Standards: Open Consultation Period

Posted by: heather Category: Uncategorised

GAEBA has developed a new Global Standard for Eye Banking, and invites interested parties to provide feedback.

To participate, please download the standard. Should you wish to provide feedback, please use track-change on the document and/or provide a report as you see appropriate.

Submit feedback to GAEBA by Friday 23rd August 2024, via the Project Lead, Erik Hellier on

The Standards for download

About the Global Standards
The Global Standards are intended to provide global minimum best practice recommendations to organisations involved in eye banking. They are designed to assist nations and regions that do not have their own local Standard in place. GAEBA’s goal is for the Standards to be used as an open-source reference document and/or used to assist eye banks and nations to develop their own Standards.

GAEBA would like to thank the Global Standards Working Group Members: Lead – Erik Hellier (EBAA/Lions); Ramona Bashur (EBAA/Eversight); Wajid Ali Khan (Eversight); Christopher Mwangala (Lions); Kristin McCoy (EBAA/Miracles in Sight); Mike Tramber (EBAA/Miracles in Sight); Anna Salz (EEBA/DGFG), and prior Members: Heather Machin (EBAANZ/Lions), Radika Tandon (AEBA), and Enrique Graue (APABO).

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